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DOLAR 36,0531 % 0.16
EURO 37,2475 % 0.29
STERLIN 44,7128 % 0.35
FRANG 39,4843 % -0.04
ALTIN 3.343,84 % -0,63
BITCOIN 97.772,39 0.157

Tekstielherwinningsmasjiene en vervaardiging van veselsnymasjiene Suid-Afrika

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Tekstielherwinningsmasjiene en vervaardiging van veselsnymasjiene Suid-Afrika

Tekstielherwinningsmasjiene en vervaardiging van veselsnymasjiene

Ons vervaardig die snymasjien wat gebruik word vir tekstielherwinning vesel opening, die mees voorkeur Duitse masjien tipe snymasjien, wat die meeste voorkeur in die wêreld is, met die minste onklaarraking en die meeste snyvermoë.

Ingenieurswese bo die klassieke vesel snymasjien
ons het die masjien met die kruisskêrstelsel gemaak met ons kundigheid
Dit het die produksie van ons R&D-studies betree
ons is.

Dit sny die herwinningstekstielgrondstowwe in die verlangde groottes en berei voor vir tekstielherwinning vesel-oopmaak-karnetmasjien, voor-oopmaak-snippermasjien en shamnoz-masjiene.

Dit werk met 1 vaste en 2 roterende lemme.

Om die snyafmetings aan te pas, kan die vervoerband en die uitsetband met ‘n spoedbeheertoestel verstel word.
Volgens die wisselvalligheid van die produk wat gesny moet word, werk dit teen ‘n gemiddelde kapasiteit van 1250-1500 kg per uur.

Om die snykwaliteit op die hoogste vlak te hou en die las van die volgende masjiene te verlig, word 2 steggies gebruik.

Die lemme van die snymasjien word vervaardig van 1 kwaliteit gesertifiseerde staal verwerk met ‘n spesiale hittebehandelingsmetode,

Dit het ‘n slytvaste struktuur.

Ons verskaf dienste vir diegene wat ‘n volledige geïntegreerde fasiliteit wil vestig vir die vervaardiging van tekstielherwinningsmasjiene.

Tekstiel herwinning vesel tipes snymasjiene,

Tekstiel herwinning vesel
Snymasjien pryse,

Tekstiel Herwinning Vesel Snymasjien op bestelling
Ons voer vesel snymasjien uit na elke land in die wêreld


Textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing
South Africa

We manufacture the cutting machine used for textile recycling fiber opening, the most preferred German machine type cutting machine, which is the most preferred in the world, with the least breakdown and the most cutting ability.

Engineering above the classic fiber cutting machine
we made the machine with the cross scissors system with our expertise
It has entered the production of our R&D studies
we are.

It cuts the recycling textile raw materials in the desired sizes and prepares for textile recycling fiber opening carnet machine, pre-opening shredder machine and shamnoz machines.

It works with 1 fixed and 2 rotating blades.

In order to adjust the cutting dimensions, the conveyor band and the output band can be adjusted with a speed control device.
According to the variability of the product to be cut, it works at an average capacity of 1250-1500 kg per hour.

In order to keep the cutting quality at the highest level and to lighten the load of the next machines, 2 cuttings are used.

The blades of the cutting machine are produced from 1 quality certified steel processed with a special heat treatment method,

It has a wear-resistant structure.

We provide services for those who want to establish a complete integrated facility for the production of textile recycling machines.

Textile recycling fiber Cutting Machine types,

Textile recycling fiber
Cutting Machine prices,

Textile Recycle Fiber Cutting Machine to order
We export fiber cutting machine to every country in the world




Cape Town textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Nelson Mandela Metropole textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Buffalo City textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Ethekwini textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Msunduzi District Municipality textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Mangaung textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Johannesburg textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Tshwane textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Ekurhuleni textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Angola textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Benin textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Botswana textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Burkina Faso textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Burundi textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Çad textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Cezayir textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Cibuti textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Ekvator Ginesi textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Eritrea textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Eswatini textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Etiyopya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Fas textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Fildişi Sahili textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Gabon textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Gambiya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Gana textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Gine textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Guinea-Bissau textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Güney Sudan textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Kamerun textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Kenya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Komorlar textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Kongo Cumhuriyeti textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Lesotho textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Liberia textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Libya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Madagascar textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Malavi textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Mali textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Mauritius textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Mısır textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Moritanya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Mozambik textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Namibya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Nijer textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Nijerya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Ruanda textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

São Tomé ve Príncipe textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Senegal textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Seyşeller textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Sierra Leone textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Somali textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Sudan textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Tanzanya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Togo textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Tunus textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Uganda textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Yeşil Burun Adaları textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Zambiya textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,

Zimbabve textile recycling machines and fiber cutting machine manufacturing,